
Fireplace – the heart of the home, which also increases the value of real estate

Fireplace – the heart of the home, which also increases the value of real estate The fireplace is undoubtedly one of the nicest things to do in a Nordic home when you think of a cold autumn evening or a winter Sunday morning. Or is it just a romantic notion, and in reality the fireplace is more of a hassle than a benefit? Let's take a look together at which rooms the fireplace could fit and what you should consider before installing the fireplace. It takes time and effort and a considerable amount of money to build it, so there's nothing you can do. THE FIREPLACE DOES NOT HAVE TO BE STACKED WITH STONES Today, the fireplace is no longer necessarily a large monster stacked with stones, which will forever take away a lot of space in the room. Of course, if the fireplace is located in a large room, it can easily be huge, but we want to say that there are a lot of different styles of fireplaces at the moment – both traditional and modern, bigger and smaller, the choice is yours. We have been to a home where the sides of the fireplace were transparent and...
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